Food !!

Cooking for yourself, your family, your partners….whomever it is in your life…can seem challenging! Do the palates align or are there restrictions like preferences and allergies?

With our two perspectives combined, a trained chef (the Mr.) and nutritionist (the Mrs.), we’ve been able to create our own recipes…those that bring back memories or pay respects to a classic and others that we seemed to pull out of thin air! While we currently follow a vegan diet, we haven’t always, which encouraged us to share all of our content and recipes to be inclusive! 

We’d like to also invite you to bring some awareness to the current state of agriculture and the trials that many worldwide are facing, so stay connected and pick up some tips for becoming a conscious consumer!  

Is there a way to successfully integrate the preferences to create ONE satisfying dish or meal? 

We look for adventure and balance in food, at times chasing a little white rabbit down a tunnel, and coming out the other end with something we’ve never seen before! From cultural to geographical there’s a choice to keep an open mind and curious palate, going so far as to at least try anything once.