A Bit About Us:
We both emulate opposing backgrounds and paths but find common ground sharing the passion for what we believe in. Through time, we honed in on our True North and purpose with the unexpected pleasure of these two different forces being open and interested in individual creation. The knowledge that flourished with genuine intrigue created a supportive environment that enriched our lives. The vision of Par LaChance is a representation of the potential for an ultimate union between selves, one that can bridge the gap socially to create a community that supports small businesses, artisans, craftsmen, and more worldwide. Par Lachance, or “By LaChance” is a core value, the surety that every endeavor at the onset maintains that personal hand. This mission of the vision is stamped on every product, a permanent reminder, and a symbol of motivation.
“The power of will is not a limited resource, and recognizing the self as unlimited is empowerment.”
Q & A
What inspired you to embark on this new digital journey and start sharing your stories?
This process was definitely long in the making. You see, aside from dabbling with social media when it first came out, we both long ago decided to opt-out. We’ve done what we’ve always done and will continue to do, live our lives, and enjoy every moment. We’ve taken thousands of photos throughout the years and they represent experiences, memories, and moments that might have been lost. It’s all been organic and inherently our own path, along the way we got to experience adventures and missteps, all culminating in our growth both together and as individuals. We’re inspired by the world around us and hope to inspire the world through our lens!
Would you describe love as easy?
Why should love be easy? As many words as we have in the dictionary, and in so many languages, the best way we can describe love is that it should be natural. Think about the different aspects of life, there always seems to be a balance, a good to the bad, salt to the pepper, yin to the yang. Why would love be any different? It’s how you choose to act in those moments that dictate your journey, so keep it natural. We nurtured our love, letting it grow and strengthen, recognizing that we really don’t know the boundaries in it, which means that we can keep expanding and feeling more. Let’s not limit ourselves by quantifying our love through identifying “measurements”, keep the love organic and let your choices and actions represent your true self!
Do you set specific time aside or involve each other in most aspects of your work environment?
The foundation of our relationship is built on respect, not only for ourselves as individuals but for how we interact together. Our work environment is built off of that, we’ve achieved a level of comfort and ease with one another that the so-called societal defined boundaries don’t exist or impose themselves on us. Instead, we honor the subtle nuances that may be verbal or non-verbal with the patience to provide a productive atmosphere. Although most of our work is intertwined, we do both see our own clients and extend the same level of care and ethics to them to ensure privacy. Our joy in what we do allows us to thrive when we come together, and our mission empowers the choices and moves we make!
Between both being successful entrepreneurs how do you find time to keep the flame alive?
Time is very valuable to us, and we emphasize that value with the purpose and effort that we put into our lives. Spare time is never guaranteed so we cherish carving out moments that enrich our day, for that day. When we treat each moment in the present, we’re constantly creating a new memory and embracing the spontaneity of life. There’s a natural spark of energy that keeps igniting and lets us unveil more of our true nature, we nourish that spark and with a curious mind explore the world together!
Are there any tips you could offer us on sustainable romance?
Yes! Honesty and communication, as cliche as it sounds, are the only way to work together through hurdles and beautiful moments. We’ve both changed and grown over the years, and somehow adapted with a flexible mentality. Our shared enthusiasm for embracing new experiences together and even facing our fears together built impactful memories and fueled our love. Romance is continuous with no room for transactional currency to garner points, save those for the board games. We bring our words and trust to strengthen the continuity of that romance, allowing that to stimulate our minds and hearts.
What would you say your biggest triumphs are as a couple?
Choosing to celebrate every success is definitely our biggest ongoing triumph. Balancing love and working together allows us to participate in the smallest moments which brightens our days. We embrace living in the present and laying the stepping stones for our future, always hopeful and anticipating the coming journey. Our shared passion for a literally healthy combination of internal and external well-being will hopefully brighten our viewers and shine the lights on their own triumphs!
What can viewers expect to see from Mr & Mrs?
Our collective experiences have broadened our lens on the world around us and our mission is to provide that view with the same quality and care that we take in our own lives. Mr & Mrs is a culmination of a rich life journey that’s really only just begun. We’ll offer our viewers a fresh perspective on everything from life, travel, business, fashion, daily habits, and more! What we strive to deliver is ethically sourced and committed to partnering with our non-profit Lotus Par LaChance to only leave behind a balanced footprint.
When It comes to balance, what would you say was the hardest part about finding it?
The experience of fluidity is underscored by the unseen forces that control those natural shifts. Balance is how we adapt and grow, we regain control with experiences that we learn from, and in every moment lies that opportunity. Without reflection on the past, our present and future can take many paths including repetitive loops. The hardest part about finding it was acknowledging that reflection; the knowledge and strength to learn that balance has the opportunity to be in our control. We rely on those instincts and honest communication to continue to recognize and normalize the balance that works for us!
You both seem to really invigorate each other, How did you find that rhythm?
The answer is really in the question with this one, rhythm. Understanding that rhythm is fluid, just like ocean waves can one day lie still, the next they can rise higher and higher… the wind ebbs and flows seemingly without control. Seeing these natural occurrences all around us, we try to emulate the same gracefulness and fluidity with each other. Learning habits start by identifying the ones we already have and where we can improve on them, recognizing that not everything necessitates a rigid stance. So we adapted to having what we call a fluid mentality, the respect we have for one another means that we’re connected enough to recognize the subtle nuances of a change in behavior. That’s our rhythm, we fuel each other's passions with the same encouragement we would want to feel in return.
Building these platforms has been a personal labor of passion and tenacity, an embodiment of who we are and how we live, committed to walking one path or many, we humbly strive to stay true to ourselves…We invite you to browse without pressure, we encourage you to empower yourself with knowledge and pass it on!
All of our content has been written by us from the heart and mind, an expression of the thoughts we have to share paired with the photos and videos we’ve shot throughout the years, a plethora of personal moments that we thought would never see the light of day! The ones taken of us are all in-house executed and directed courtesy of Par LaChance.
You belong,