Licorice Root: Unlocking the hidden benefits of Erk Sous (from Egypt)
Also known as:
Gancao (China, translation “sweet root”)
Glykyrrhiza (Greek, translation “sweet root”
Licorice Root
Not recommended for:
Women who are pregnant/lactating
Individuals with high blood pressure
Due to its unique properties, it is recommended to not consume more than 2 cups of Erk Sous per day.
This unassuming root is an ancient medicinal herb that has been recorded and used across several countries and cultures. Records of it date back to Ancient Egypt, as a naturally sweet drink that could soothe an upset stomach, reduce inflammation and also treat upper respiratory infections (also found in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Greek medicine). Nowadays it's being used for its frothing abilities, flavor, and natural sweetness (which derives from a plant compound named “glycyrrhizin”). The added bonus of this root is not only its internal applications but external in the treatment of skin conditions such as acne or eczema.
Licorice root has many properties, which include:
Antibacterial & Antimicrobial
Anti Viral
Anti Inflammatory
Gastrointestinal Support (acid reflux, heartburn, peptic ulcers)
Anti-oxidant rich
Upper Respiratory System Support
Dental Support (protects against cavities)
This specific recipe is taken from the traditional Erk Sous recipe from Egypt. A chilled beverage served in a glass poured from high above to create a light layer of foam, this favorite drink is enjoyed by many, especially during the fasting month of Ramadan. Allowing the licorice root to ferment overnight with baking soda releases its darker hue and effectively improves the antioxidant activity of the root!
While the Mr. was exposed to this unique drink early on in life, the Mrs.'s first experience was interesting, to say the least, and it turned out to not be a “favorite” UNTIL it was finally successfully recreated at home!