Not recommended for: 

Women who are pregnant/lactating 

Individuals with low blood pressure

Due to its unique properties, it is recommended to not consume more than 2 cups of hibiscus tea per day.

Boiling Method:

1/4 Cup Dried Hibiscus Petals OR 4 Fresh Flower Petals 

1 Cup Water 

Place the petals with the water and bring to a boil, lower to a simmer for 5-7 minutes or until water develops a rich ruby color

Steeping Method:

1/4 Cup Dried Hibiscus Petals OR 4-5 Fresh Flower Petals 

1 Cup Water

Place the petals with the cold water and allow to steep for 1-2 hours or until water develops a rich ruby color

In general, I find that the methods produce different flavors, so for a milder and less acidic profile use the steeping method. Serve Iced or Hot! 


The flavor profile of the hibiscus on its own may sometimes be too powerful or astringent. Naturally sweetening the tea with honey (other sugar alternatives can be used) enhances the flavor. 




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