Mr & Mrs


Love, Work, and Play represents the three main elements of our lives, a constant interwoven state that fluctuates which element is in the dominant forefront. Love tends to maintain its equal weight, creating the foundation for Work and Play to take their turns. Sometimes, being able to simplify seemingly infinite “aspects” of life into a singular category make them more manageable, we’ll be so bold as to say that they’re even achievable that way! 

That’s been our experience, growing through stages of life as we strived to find our balance both independently and together. There’s a multitude of distractions surrounding us at all times and it takes equal effort and mindfulness to hone in on yourself first, followed by the ones in your life. 

We choosing not to get lost in the endless vacuum of words and objective perception and adapted to defining our own relationship, with our personal words and actions. We offer our subjective view on relationships, unions, partnerships, friendships, and more and invite you to ignite your own deep fire of passion to illuminate the path. 

“Language is rooted in perception, and as civilization progressed, words became overused in a vacuum, and love was lost. Find the flame in its place, the dramatic representation of the deep fire of passion, to illuminate the path.”