Fresh Pizza Dough

2-2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1 packet instant yeast (2 1/4 teaspoon)
1.5 teaspoons sugar

3/4 tsp salt
2 TBS olive oil 

3/4 cup warm water


  1. Combine 1 cup of flour, instant yeast, sugar, and salt in a large bowl.

  2. Add olive oil and warm water and use a wooden spoon to stir until well combined.

  1. Slowly add another 1 cup of flour. (Urban Shaman Pro Tip: keep the 1/3 cup flour next to you as you may need to adjust the recipe by adding more, always start with small quantities such as 1TBS at a time), stir until the dough is forming a ball and is beginning to pull away from the sides of the bowl. The consistency of the dough should be slightly sticky and easy to be managed by your hands.

  1. In a separate bowl, drizzle some olive oil to coat all sides of the bowl, and spread with a brush or your fingers. Sprinkle some flour on your hands and with them start gently forming a ball from your dough. When you formed the ball, transfer it to the bowl and cover it with plastic wrap and a towel. Try to keep it in a relatively warm place for about 30 minutes or until it doubles in size.

  1. When your dough has doubled in size, gently press it with your hand and transfer it to a lightly floured flat surface and knead it with your hands about 3-4 times. Try not to overwork the dough.

  1. On a flat surface, sprinkle the flour or cornmeal/semolina and work the pizza dough using your hands into an even circle to fit your pizza pan (Urban Shaman Tip: If you don’t have a pizza pan, flip a large baking sheet to use the flat surface). When you’ve formed a circle, using two hands gently create an indent approximately 1/4”-1/2” away from the edges (for the edges of the crust to rise).


Fresh Pizza Sauce


30 Minute Pizza