Our home is not defined by the materials that formed its shape, nor the country of its location, in actuality, our home is wherever we are together. We breathe life into the spaces we enter because we choose to, mindfully aware that it’s not truly materialistic items that bring it all together, we do. You should embrace the freedom of design for your spaces, be open to changes and be ready to compromise! Not everything that looks good will provide you with the functionality and use that you need.  

We’ve moved several times over the years each time realizing that we brightened our home by what we brought into it. With our dynamic we welcome the challenge when we curate our space, harmonizing our individuality with the focus on timeless and lasting pieces, never backing down from accepting change with a willingness to improve! 

I know I know, you’re probably thinking “of course, it’s easy for you, you’re a designer!”. Truth is, you can study all the design elements in the world, but when it comes to choosing your own and seeing how it actually functions there’s no designer in the world that can make that decision for YOU (at least comfortably that is). As a designer and creative visionary, the thoughts don’t stop, hotel rooms and Airbnbs all get the same attention and care that a home “base” would. Did you know that simply rearranging the furniture can significantly impact how you interact with and visualize the space? Brands and names are the illusions, that they’ve somehow curated the absolute best and we should feel honored to have experienced what they’ve done. Or not. Appreciate what you’ve seen and if there’s a way to personalize it for you,  feel confident that you can do it. 

We took the liberties to find out if that simple rearrangement would change the way we felt, suddenly a strange room or house started to warm up and blossom with our energy, we found ourselves home everywhere we went! Shamelessly rearranging the furniture in hotel rooms, we moved coffee tables and lounge chairs with determination, if we were already staying there we might as well make the best of it. Mindfully putting the pieces back when we left, we always respect the places we go as though they were our own. Only once did we forget, at a charming Airbnb in Utah, and at checkout got the most surprising message! The host had seen the small changes and recognized how greatly they impacted the space, their appreciation and open-mindedness are our inspiration and elevate our desire to inspire others. 

We wanted our experiences and memories to be the home base that we escaped to, so we collected what spoke to us along the way. A bottle filled with sand from the shores of the bluest oceans, sea shells from the coral beaches of a small island, and coffee mugs celebrating the heritage and cultures of that land. We can see these things in our spaces, not hiding in drawers or behind closed cabinets, and they always elicit a spark of joy, not just when they’re given an honorary place in our home “base” but also in the space we give them in the home we were at when we found them. 

So you see how interchangeably we’ve been using the word home, everywhere we are and go can exemplify the sanctuary that we want. 

With the expert guidance of Par Lachance, we’ll be revealing what the industry is hoping that consumers won’t learn and releasing insider tricks that everyone should have access to!




Whats for dinner?!